Saturday, November 10
Dwight and I went for a walk that evening. I saw some dead grass on the side of the street and thought it was interesting. This drawing took all of 2 minutes, max. Very loose and quite fun to draw, actually. And then my cats chewed on the grass and got it covered in kitty spit. True story.

Sunday, November 11
Yep. I was eating chocolate and watching The Avengers. What?

Monday, November 12
I hadn't just doodled in a while, so I decided it was high time I got back to it!

Tuesday, November 13
This was quite interesting. I knew I wanted to draw a figure, but had no idea where I was going with it. I drew her face, body and dress and knew she needed something. So I drew the basket of tulips...and then she needed an apron and boots if she was going to be out cutting flowers... and I went from there. She really needed an entire scene, so I made one for her. So cute!

Wednesday, November 14
This was FUN (up until the end... I'll get to that) I'm taking The Art of Wild Abandonment 2 online art course from Junelle Jacobson and Christy Tomlinson, and in the first week (which I'm STILL on, BTW) Junelle has us just draw a bunch of circles on a page. She turns them into mugs, but I loved the idea of just starting with circles and seeing where it goes. I stared at the page and started doodling. First up, the flower in the bottom/center. Then the lotus-type flower where the two circles overlapped. Then I drew circles in circles... then an eye... and acorn... a cherry... the moon...

And then I took a sip of wine, choked, and spit it all over my laptop and sketchbook sitting near by. Seriously. My laptop smells like a wino. Oops.
Thursday, November 15
I worked really late. Have been putting in a lot of hours, and went to bed without having sketched. Wasn't going to let that happen! So I brought my little book with me to bed, head on my pillow, and stared at the page... what's on my mind..... RVs, that's what. There's a BIG RV show just after Thanksgiving every year and every year, my work is INSANE right about now. So I have RVs on the brain. I conjured up an old Shasta travel trailer from memory (not terribly accurate, but I got the "feel" of it), threw in a fire, chairs and some trees and thought it was darn cute!

Friday, November 16 (today!)
I had a photo of a 50s inspired up-do that I thought would make a good subject and figured tonight was as good a time as ever to draw it.

So there you have it... half way through the month already and I haven't missed a day. WOO!
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