
I've Moved!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Daily Sketching – 11-19 thru 11-21

Monday, November 19

Sitting on the couch after a long day, needing to sketch but zero inspiration. Looked around and saw two candle holders. Sure, why not. So I sketched one. Turned out pretty cute, actually. Sometimes you just have to slog through!
11-19 candle stick

Tuesday, November 20
Again, not sure what to draw, so I went to my Pinterest boards to find inspiration. Decided on a letter doodle. If you haven't tried doodling, I highly recommend it. It's a great warm up exercise and it's a really good way to let go. Let go of expectations, perfection, over-thinking. You just make marks, fill in with random shapes, have fun. It definitely helps me loosen up about drawing and just... let go.
11-20 K doodle

Wednesday, November 21
I decided to draw a face with no idea what I wanted her to look like. Turns out she was sad. Aw, poor thing. Hey, sometimes you just have to be sad.
11-21 sad girl

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