Here's one of my current WIP (12"x12"). Still lots of work to do on this. If it looks metallic to you, you're right! I put a thin layer of copper paint over the face and hair area just for the hell of it.
I'd intended for this to be more abstract, but it's coming out more literal. Her nose definitely needs more work. Right now it's way too "LaToya" for my tastes. I'll adjust the shading and make it closer to the inspiration photo I'm following.

I picked up this free wedding magazine at the grocery store. Lots of good face/flower/posing inspiration!

I don't know what I'm going to do with her hair, but I'll figure it out as I go along. I have no formal training with painting — ok, I had a random "painting and drawing" class in HS—so I'm pretty much winging this whole thing.
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